It’s Time to Be Younited Against Breast Cancer

It’s Time to Be Younited Against Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is disease that strikes both women and men – yep, guys have breasts too! Amongst those being diagnosed this year in the United States alone will be:

2,670 men
268,600 women

This year breast cancer will be the cause the death of:

500 men
41,760 women

These aren’t statistics that we like to think about, but this is the reality of the disease right now. But it doesn’t have to be in the future because there’s things that we can do to help fight it.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

“When my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer I looked for all the information that I could find to help her stay strong while she battled the disease.  My mother’s struggle with the disease inspired me to do more, not just for her, but also for other men and women that were going through the same journey.

We partnered with the American Cancer Society (ACS) in 2015 and have hosted the Making Strides walk in Westchester, Real Men Wear Pink as well as a successful fundraising gala in 2016 and 2019. We do this because we know with everyone Younited we can make a difference and fight breast cancer successfully. Since 1989, increased awareness of warning signs, mammograms and research, the death rate has been in decline.” – Marcie Manfredonia Siciliano (Founder of Custom Candle Co)

How You Can Help

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death in women, so now is the time to make a difference. Although the “Big C” is formidable, if we keep chipping away at it one day our children (and their children) may be able to survive this disease at even greater rates. If we each do one thing to further the cause we’ll keep making strides to a cure. Here are some ways to help:

    • Volunteer: There are many ways to help as a volunteer including such as driving a cancer patient to their treatments, join in community events like Making Strides, Relay for Life are just a few things that we  can do.
    • Donate: Thinking of donating? There are many options available from monthly donations, IRA Charitable Rollovers, Memorial Giving and more.
    • Fundraise: This is one of my favorite ways to support research. Thus far we have participated in:
      • Real Men Wear Pink,
      • Making Strides and
      • Diamond Gala, but there are many others that organizations and individuals can lend a hand.
    • Shop to Save Lives:  Many companies, including ours, has partnered with to support the ACS by donating proceeds from our customer’s breast cancer awareness candles. This year, we’ve added a tumbler candle that can be personalized with the photograph of your loved one on the container.
    • Celebrate a Loved One:Your gift can recognize milestones in a cancer survivor’s life or express the sense of loss when someone loses their battle with this disease. Once your gift is received, the Society will send a card to the honoree or family acknowledging your gift.

There are many ways that we can work together to find a cure for breast cancer. In the meantime ladies (and gentlemen) keep doing those self-checks because the best way to beat breast cancer is to discover it early. Live a healthy lifestyle, eat well and laugh often. Let’s do our best this October to make a difference!





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