Celebrate Your Pet this Holiday Season

for Thanksgiving and enjoy fun memories during Christmas or Hanukkah. As always, don’t forget to give your furry friends love and attention, perhaps even a little present. Some celebrations you may not be aware of this time of year are the National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week (Nov. 3-9th) and the National Cat Lover’s Month (December).

Ways You Can Celebrate Your Pet During the Holidays

  • Show your appreciation for Animal Shelters by volunteering your time. As a volunteer, you can clean the animals’ living spaces and even play with dogs and cats.
  • Celebrate National Cat Lover’s month by adopting a cat, if you really do love them.
  • Donate your time or money to your local SPCA location.
 As many of our supporters and customers know, here at Custom Candle Co, we do all we can to promote the SPCA and spread the word on protecting animals. Just a couple of days ago, the company’s founder attended the Top Hat and Cocktails Gala. This year the SPCA celebrates its achievement of rescuing nearly 4,200 animals. Here are more ways Custom Candle Co. supports SPCA and animal shelters throughout the nation.

Ways We Celebrate Our Pets

If you do not already know, Custom Candle Co. is not only committed to protecting animals, but also the environment. We stay as “green” as possible with all our merchandise. We make it our mission to create all-natural candles with recycled bottles. These bottles and other containers are given a second life, making our custom candles that much more unique.

Decorating Ideas for this Holiday Season

Light a Candle for Peace