Why Small Business Saturday Matters

Why Small Business Saturday Matters
Shop Small Business Saturday 2019

Every once in a while big businesses come up with a great idea.  For example, American Express created Small Business Saturday to help promote local small businesses. Why? To help us recognize the importance of small businesses to our everyday lives. Small businesses contribute not only to our communities, but to our country’s economy.

On November 30th we will be celebrating along with small businesses across the country. This year, we are offering:

15% Off Everything in the Store!

That’s right, when you visit one of our stores located in Bedford Hills, White Plains and Stamford, CT you’ll get 15% off. When you come in you’ll be helping us to continue to support the communities that we love with great products and local contributions.

Five Ways Small Business Impacts the Community

While doing research for this article, I learned a few interesting facts that really drive home why small community businesses are so important to us all. Here are a few of the reasons that really struck home:

  1. Did you know that at least $68 of every $100 spent at a local independent store is reinvested into the community? Now compare that to the $43 that is reinvested by the larger, big box stores. The community gets a much bigger ROI from local merchants than those billion-dollar companies!
  2. Local owners care about the community that they do business in and, in most cases, live inside. When it comes to important community issues, they have a vested interest that the big retailers just can’t match.
  3. Local businesses use local goods and services such as banks, farms, etc. Working together with other neighborhood businesses create economic and social relationships for everyone, including schools, community leaders and residents.
  4. Since small businesses often offer locally sourced products, they reduce the carbon footprint since the need for transportation is reduced.
  5. Independent small business owners care about the people in their neighborhood. They get to know their customers’ names, tastes and needs which creates a vastly superior shopping experience for you.

This holiday season is the perfect time to spread cheer and offer good tidings to your local small businesses. It just feels good to support the businesses that make up your community. Come join us for this terrific 15% off sale while finishing up your holiday shopping list. We’ll keep the light on for you.

Decorating Ideas for This Holiday Season

This Holiday Season Shop with Us on Black Friday and CyberMonday